* {click to jump}

hi folks, In this period we want to share updates & new ideas with you all!!
so, Let's start by saying that the next layouts is going to be created with the new touchOSC mk2 app/editor (not available yet on app/play store!) . Thanks to Rob (by Hexler family) we've the opportunity to use the beta version on our devices, so that we can test it and learn how to use the new contents and features! for now, We only anticipate that it'll be an epic update!
day 1/3
we've graphically drawn three pages (in reality they are two + info!), and these are the embryonic results of a version that we're finally starting to glimpse . . .
that's all folks,
stay around!
. . .
day 10

bonjour humans!
First, we started by designing "DTX" from a 4: 3 layout that fits perfectly on all tablets!
Then we focused on some attributes which behaved in a bizarre way, but we figured out how to disable that action and fixed the mystery. In the meantime we also ran into a "big bug" (which we immediately reported!) and made some graphic tweaks!
by using the new touchOSC version it will not be necessary to have a PC neither to synchronize nor to edit layouts !!!
YES, you heard right ... by using the new version we can now do everything on our tablet!
(Handy feature for those without a pc!)
Now it's time to map the tracker , but
In the small midi appendix we noticed a something that immediately amazed us!!
CC41 – CC48 – Performance mode track change,
CC51 – CC62 – Performance mode Fx slot values,
CC71 – CC82 – Master section mixer volume levels.
CC79 – Delay mix
CC80 – Reverb mix
CC81 – Dry mix,
CC82 – Line input
✚ The MUTEs and SOLOs are missing, like on instrument Master section!
✚ Another question is : no Delay/Reverb per track/channel?
Perhaps we believe it's better to wait for future updates
in the meantime ...
AFX station is finally here and richardf has already designed a new t-shirt / wallpaper and icon!
➔ Here you will find the AFX _ shirt in flat version designed by richardf x threadless!
➔ AFX mac/osx icns _free download here!

a month later ...
In the last few weeks we've put aside
the digitracker project* and we have thought about how to update our digi-layouts!
But the only solution is to redesign them again! (oh-oh!)
so without wasting time
we decided to get to work immediately!
. . . et voila' these are the new
"take & tone" beta layouts! ✌️🤡

From the images you have surely noticed that some pages of the previous versions are missing !!
We've decided to streamline the workflow, to cut the superfluous ....
having to redesign them again involves in addition to the complete layouts development, the web pages restyling, manuals and other actions that would require too much time and resources . . .
However we don't want to waste our work and we will make sure that "takt & tone" (and subsequently the other layouts, ZTL excluded!) remain active and efficient!
Unfortunately we don't currently guarantee TAKT / TONE / MSL / MCL "A" version (the one for smartphones) which would require 2 layouts with different aspect radio (19.5:9 & 16:9) , but we'll try to do our best!!!
richard uploaded
"takt & tone" graphics over the weekend!
# Down the rabbit hole we go! (again!)

what do you think !?

while at the headquarters of digitouch corp. ^^
we're completing MSL / MCL 1.5 layouts
(which we'll show soon!)



hola todos!!
weekly updates in the air (1.5/1.6)
and a fun iPhone layout called
- comatouch -
designed by the tireless richard and usable with any source like Ableton, reason, bitwig, reaper, pro-tools, logic, your fave vst and more ... for free!
*(obviously customizable to your liking!!)
* MSL / MCL 1.5 layouts are almost cooked,
but we still need more time!
so . . . be patient and
happy easter!

good morning friends,
touchOSC app test goes on (1.7-1.8),
but these days we've been absorbed
by another delicious tracker called m8 ...
(probably you nerds already know him!)
* read carefully before buying ...
Full list of features available here
* Shipping starts in July/August - due to order volume and world-wide chip shortages there might be some delay. Limited to 2 per customer ...
keep calm
& enjoy your

Hello digi-nauts!
by the way, Have you seen
the new custom Polyend Trackers ?!?
Yesterday our Richard enjoyed imagining and drawing his versions which we attach below ...
which do you like more?
this week, however, let's start with a bang! ☻

hurry up and spread the word!

richardf© xxi

Polyend is also moving fast! A few days ago, beta 1.4 was released on GitHub page with the introduction of cool features like FX Arp, FX Slide, FX gate length,
horizontal pattern editing mode, etc ...
right now, richard sent us the brand new & sparkling DIGITRACKER layout and tonight let's test it immediately! oh yeah!!
he basically mapped out everything possible by adding a fourth page to control the performance mode! ** MUTE and SOLO don't work for now ... hopefully they can be added in the next firmware updates! 🤞 ^^

Today we tell you about our experience in formatting a microSDXC (sandisk ultra -a1- 64Gb) used to update the Tracker's memory ... Initially we've follow the procedure on the polyend site which recommends using "SD card formatter", but the micro-sd was never recognized by the instrument (with both the "Quick format" and the "Overwrite format" method!) ☹︎ ☹︎ ☹︎
So we decided to use the traditional Apple's Disk Utility by selecting MS-DOS (FAT) format … and magically the UHS-I card worked perfectly !!
If you dealing with the same problem, forget the "formatting tool" and do as written before!
Hexler cousins release new touchOSC mk2 build _ V 0.2. 3(91)
it looks like something big is coming ! omg!!
<< we are ready >>

it's now much easier to import sysex on our digitone!!

yo_0 "digitouchers"
we knew it would happen! we're in!!

did you like the new layout ??
well ... now we're working on the scripts and local messages, so that the relative value of the controllers is visible !! we believe this is an excellent tool for the new layouts that we'll realize and release through the mk2 editor!!
stay around!

it's late at night in Italy, but we still want to write something in our "diario" ...
beta 2 just came out and we immediately installed it on polyend Tracker !!
Behavior Change from Beta 1
Play on the Perform screen now defaults to looping the current pattern like in firmwares 1.0 - 1.3; use Shift + Play to perform a song; if you want to switch between loop/non-loop without stopping the transport, Shift + Play again
Switching from Perform to other screens now always resets the performance at the end of the pattern, and not immediately as before
New Features
Line In passthrough now supports delay and reverb sends
Transport bar is now more compact, showing both the loop/song playback status and whether Performance mode is active
Transport bar is now also visible in the Pattern screen
You can now switch between Perform screen and Instrument Parameters without resetting the performance, allowing for even more live modulation
Bug Fixes
Improved audio latency
Mixer RMS meters weren't working on panning -50 (max left)
Stem export uses proper panning
Some CC parameter changes on MIDI Instrument Parameters caused white screen flashes
TAP tempo now works for tempo >= 60 BPM
Pattern numbers on Perform screen only reset when the pattern changes during song playback
Renaming tracks with REC on the Track Mixer screen was flickering when SHIFT was pressed
to install new firmware go < here > and follow the instructions ...
good digi-night!

OS Upgrade: Digitakt 1.30
Second LFO
Extended Pitch Range
External Input Mixer
Improved Multimode Filter
Base-width Filter
And much more

hard work week folks!
digitracker 1.02 is coming .... and as we previously announced with some great news! (like controller values! ⬇︎☟⥥⇟)
stay connected!

still news in sight !! we were planning to add the fifth page to DTX in the next update! ... we've practically adapted and customized "TouchKeys demo" and
its fabulous script to scroll one octave!!
digitracker v-1.03 is going to be released
during the next week!
don't miss it!
🍒 🍓 👾
